Nov 10, 2014


Inked by Paolo's Eisner Award-Winning Pop, Joe Rivera!  Colored by Paolo!


  1. OK – this is amazing. All the previews look incredible. Doc – we all know what MUST happen next: Convert the 3D special to viewmaster reels!! I am looking at my 70s era ViewMaster right now, and I knew I had held on to it for nearly 40 years for a reason. Coincidence that it is from Oregan? I think not – I think destiny.

  2. These are looking amazing! Please tell me how the 3D process is achieved.

    1. Hey, David! The "simple" explanation is: I work with two copies of the image open on my computer, using Gimp, so I can 'crossview' and monitor my work. The left frame I leave alone 98% of the time. The right frame, I cut out layers and shift them left and right, and then fill in the gaps that those shifts make. That's the basic concept!

      And you know how day-to-day, when you close one eye, you get a slightly different view than when you close the other eye, but your brain merges those two views together and we see depth? That's what we're doing here - Paolo and Joe Rivera provided one of those views, I shifted things around to produce the second view, and then those two views will get merged together to produce depth via 3D glasses, or via this crossview method, or parallel method (same as crossview but with the images swapped), or via Viewmaster reels, 3D TV, etc etc.

      Incidentally, if anyone's having trouble getting these to work, or if they think it's working but it still seems really weird, you have an open invitation to email me - chrisleblanc79 at gmail dot com, and I'll see if I can help you out. And I won't sell your name to no mailing lists, neither ;)

  3. LOVE to know how to make view master reels of all this stuff. Years ago I saw some make his own. Any idea how to go about that? Guess I'll have to go bang on Viewmaster's door! Christaina LeBlanc is the man with the know-how. He did ALL the conversions for the book.

    1. No idea – but looking at my old SHAZAM! reel with the typeface on the reel, it reminds me very much of Snap City's MADMAN! I had never really made that connection before (lightning bolt on chest and all!). I am now wondering if my love of MADMAN stems from my wonder of the SHAZAM! reels from the 70s?

  4. There are some places online that will take 3D images and produce Viewmaster reels with them - let's look into this!

    1. Mike, Christian -- Just saw Doc's instagram of the demo. Looks awesome. One step closer to reality! Absolutely perfect tie-in for MADMAN. Sign me up.

  5. Just got my copy today and it is mind blowing! I have never seen such a great use of 3D in a book. Some of the effects or super subtle and spot on. Man –– it makes me feel like when I was about seven years old, and my dad came home from a business trip, and I was allowed to stay up late to greet him –– and he has picked up a pack of viewmaster reels from the gas station for me on the way home (Woody Woodpecker and Snow White I think). I am even in my pajamas reading the 3D special for the full nostalgia trip! Oh yeah –– put me down for a pre-order of this for when it comes out for viewmaster!
