May 7, 2011

THE GEAR at ComiCon!

THE GEAR will be appearing across the street from 
ComiCon at a venue called TR!CKSTER in San Diego!
This will be a PSYCHEDELIC ROCK SHOW of the 
finest order~or so they say in the most humble way~
Exact dates and times will be posted when finalized...


  1. woah! this looks so cool! that famous Allred flair. and that sounds like fun too.

  2. I LOVE that new Gear artwork!

    We we be able to grab a copy of this poster somewhere?

    Also, will you record any of the shows for us folk overseas who aren't able to make it to the gig?

  3. There WILL be a poster/print. We'll lift restrictions on cameras/videos. But no recording plans.

  4. Sounds great Mike.

    I'd love to get the poster/print. Will it be possible to get one online or from yourself directly, or will they only be at the gig?

  5. No plans to sell them anywhere but at shows. But I'll see what we can do. We might be able to offer stuff here.

  6. Thanks for the info Mike.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed and keep checking back here to see if you have any available on offer.

  7. THE GEAR will be appearing across the street from
    ComiCon at a venue called TR!CKSTER in San Diego!
    This will be a PSYCHEDELIC how to lose weight fast ROCK SHOW of the
    finest order~or so they say in the most humble way~
    Exact dates and times will be posted when finalized

  8. This will be a PSYCHEDELIC ROCK SHOW of the
    finest order~or so they say in the most humble way
